CSCI Scholarships

Univeristy of New Orleans, Department of Computer Science

ACERS scholarship:

The ACERS Scholarship (Achievement in ComputER Science) is a merit-based scholarship for students who can demonstrate a degree of financial need greater than that of the scholarship.


  • The amount of the scholarship is $500 per semester, and the students are chosen on a per-year basis (starting in fall).
  • The scholarship is offered to defray tuition costs in the Fall and Spring semesters.


The Office of Financial Aid will be asked to provide need and scholarship numbers on a per-student basis, and the recipients will be chosen by the Department based on merit and eligibility. If you have been chosen for this scholarship you will be notified shortly, and you will need to either accept or decline within 24 hours. In order to maintain this scholarship in a full Fall-Spring cycle the student must remain in good standing with the University.

COMPLETER scholarship:

The COMPLETER scholarship (COMPuter science cLosE to TERminus) is meant to aid students who are nearing graduation, which significant financial need, to finish their degrees without having to take gap semesters to pay for school. Our goal is to reduce the length-of-time to degree for committed students.


These scholarships will be $500 per student per semester.


Students who have significant financial need, and who have taken, or are in danger of having to take gap semesters in order to pay for school, and who also have above a 2.5 GPA will be eligible for this scholarship.The Department, based on data both from the office of Financial Aid and from conversations with students and students’ academic history will identify students who will be given these awards on a semester-by-semester basis. These will typically be restricted to students with less than 45 credit hours to degree completion, with exceptions to be made at the discretion of the Department.


Students who have been chosen for this scholarship will be notified shortly, and you will need to either accept or decline within 24 hours.

Women in Computer Science:

This scholarship was founded by BSCS alumni Sabrina D. Farmer in 1995 who currently works as a Senior Engineering Manager for Google. This scholarship is awarded twice a year and may be received twice by a single recipient.


  • up to $3000 per semester for tuition and books.
  • up to 1 year mentoring from founder Sabrina Farmer, Engineering Manager Google (optional)


  • be a female registered full-time at the University of New Orleans
  • be enrolled with a major or minor in the department of Computer Science
  • be enrolled in or completed CS2125
  • exhibit dedication to the field of Computer Science

Recitation Leaders Program

The Recitation Leaders program is designed to improve student retention by having Junior, Senior, or Graduate students serve as teaching assistants and lead small recitation sections of 10-15 students who are enrolled in CSCI 1583, CSCI 2120, and CSCI 2125, and 2450. Each Recitation Leader (RL) will be expected to meet biweekly with students. The RL will be expected to provide 3 hrs of recitation per week, and provide, in a small group setting, clarification of the materials provided in lecture, as well as help the students learn to think computationally by working through problems.


The RL will be paid hourly for this work, at a rate of $15/hr. These recitation sections will be open to any CSCI student. Each Recitation Leader will be expected to lead three separate hour-long recitation sections per week, and will be paid 1 hour of preparation time per hour of recitation.


If you are interested in being a Recitation Leader please reach out to Dr. Summa as soon as possible. We would like to get this started soon, possibly next week. Qualified students should email with [CSCI RL APPLY] at the beginning of the subject line.

The Big Brother / Big Sister Program:

The Big Brother / Big Sister program aids in student retention by pairing Junior, Senior, or Graduate students to act as mentors to Freshman-level students who are in CSCI 1583, CSCI 2120, and CSCI 2125 and CSCI 2450. The Mentors will be expected to meet for 2 hrs per week with a student, and provide assistance with things like study habits, programming tips, exam preparation assistance, the importance of actually turning in assigned homework, etc.


The BB/BS are paid hourly at a rate of $15/hr.


If you are interested in either being a “Big”, please reach out to Dr. Summa as soon as possible as we would like to get this started, possibly next week. Qualified students should email with [CSCI BIG APPLY] at the beginning of the subject line.